
The Blowjob Contest


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I work construction most of the time, but for the past eighteen months or so, I have been working as a male stripper. The hours aren't bad, the money is good, and it's kinda fun in a way. Having all of those women fixated on my body is quite a turn-on for me. I work out almost every day, and the way that these women appreciate my muscular frame really gives me the inspiration to work harder in the gym. Looking into their wanting faces while I shake my package in front of them usually gives me a hard-on, which makes the party even better.

Last Saturday night I was working a bachelorette party in a nearby college town. The girls were younger than usual, and seemed to be part of one of the sororities. They had rented out a small bar, and were putting it to good use. The booze was flying, and most of the girls were drinking shots instead of the usual glasses of white wine I usually see at these things. The girls were hot too. This sorority obviously recruited girls who could take care of themselves. Every ass in sight was college-tight, and most of them wore those short tops that showed off their flat, tanned stomachs. It is these tight tummies that really turns me on, and I could tell that this would be a good night.

I did my usual three-song set on the makeshift stage in the corner of the dancefloor. I was dressed in a firefighter outfit for the first song. In the second song, I stripped it off, leaving me only with a gold g-string. The chants of "All the way! All the way!" were flattering, but I didn't comply. Not that I would have minded. I was getting hard, and the g-string was making me increasingly uncomfortable.

For the third song, I arranged with Kelli, the bride's maid of honor, for something special. When I met Kelli, I was disappointed that she was not the bride-to-be. I would have liked to strip for her. She had blonde hair, a cute face, and gorgeout perky tits that she showed off well in her lowcut blouse. Instead, Kelli got up on stage and asked Renee, the bride, to join her. When I got a look at the bride, I almost forgot about Kelli.

Renee was a short girl, less than five four. But she was hot, with a beautiful heart-shaped ass stuffed into her jeans so that you could see daylight between her legs. She had the usual flat belly peeking out from under her top, and I could see a tiny tattoo on her left hip. And she had an unbelievable set of breasts that seemed to reach out to me as she walked to the stage.

A chair was set up onstage, and Kelli motioned for her to sit down. She was giggling shyly, as if she didn't know what was coming. But she did. To the cheers of all in the room, I began to dance in front of her. First I gave her a good view of my ass, then turned around to show her the other side. When I did, I saw that the shyness in her face was replaced by pure lust. She looked up at me, and I swear I saw her licking her lips.

That brought on Mr. Happy. As I danced, I could feel myself getting hard, harder than I had gotten before. My cock strained against my g-string, and I was half afraid it would pop out of the top. The sight of me straining against the confines of my golden house fascinated her, and she fixated trance-like on my swaying cock in front of her.

About halfway into the song, I moved a little closer, bringing my cock almost into contact with her nose. She took that as an invitation, and before I could stop her, she opened her mouth and placed it on my shaft. Her mouth was warm, and I could feel its wetness through the thin material. I was so shocked, I stopped dancing, and just let her move her mouth up and down my shaft.

Her friends were screaming, but I paid no attention to them as Renee reached up with both hands and placed them on my hips. Her fingers hooked into the strings on either side of my costume, and she quickly pulled them down to my knees. More screams from the gallery as I stood there with the music playing, stark naked and hard as a rock.

She backed off a little and took my cock in her right hand, holding it gently. With her left hand, she reached under my balls and rubbed them with the palm of her hand. She looked up at me, and the wanting look on her face almost made me come right there. Chants of "Suck his dick!" began to break out, getting louder and louder every time. I prayed that she would listen to them and put her mouth back on my painfully-hard erection, but she just looked at them, smiled, and shook her head no.

I was mortified, but I didn't show it. I wanted her so bad, wanted to come in her mouth or over her beautiful tits. I couldn't believe how badly I wanted her, and she knew it. She slowly stroked my cock a few times, then got up and walked back to her seat back in the audience.

Everyone in the house let out an "Awwwwww!", which brought Kelli to the stage. She had a big grin on her face, and looked down at my still-throbbing dick. She turned back to the audience, and said, "Well, it looks like we still have some work to do!"

The girls cheered again, their own eyes riveted on me, like tigers watching a piece of meat. Kelli raised her hands and said, "Time for a blowjob contest!" The girls kept cheering, but none of them could have possibly been as happy as I was. I looked down with a mind to pull my costume back up, but my cock was still so erect, I realized that there was no way I would be able to stuff it back inside. So I just pulled them off, and held the g-string in my right hand.

Kelli spoke again. "Fifty dollars buys you one minute to make him come. Winner take all. Renee will take your money in the back, and draw names. The contest will start in ten minutes." Then, turning to me, she said quietly. "Come with me."

With that she took my hand and led me to a doorway behind the stage. It led to a closet, in which bar supplies were kept. She looked up at me and asked," Are you okay with this?"

I was speechless for a second, then blurted out, "Um, sure."

She smiled and said, "Good, because I don't think they'd let you out of here unless you went through with it."

I smiled too, realizing how out of control tonight had become. I looked down at her and caught her looking down as well, at my cock, which was still hard. "There's a problem, though," she said.

"What's that?" I asked.

"Well, as excited as you are, you're liable to finish in the first minute. We've got to make it fair for all of the girls."

Now it was my turn to smile. "And how should we do that?"

By the time I got my words out, she was already starting to unbutton her blouse. I was already naked, so I had nothing to do but to watch. I sat down on a booth seat and stared as she first removed her blouse, then her short skirt, then her bra, then her panties. Her body was tanned all over, and I was mesmerized by her shape. As she came toward me, I put my hands around her firm behind and started to probe her neatly-trimmed slit with my lips and tongue.

To my surprise, she pushed my face away. "No time for that. I'm ready to go." I looked up at her, surprised at her businesslike demeanor. She looked down at me and smiled again. "Just lie back, stud. This won't take long."

I must say I was disappointed by the lack of romance in her voice, but nonetheless, I lay back on the seat, my dick still at full mast. She looked at it hungrily, while giving her pussy a few rubs with her fingers. Then, she mounted me, a leg on each side, and slowly sunk onto my pole.

"Aaaahhh," she said, in obvious relief that I was finally inside her. I was relieved too, needing some contact after all of that mental stimulation. Her pussy was warm and very wet, revealing that she was also very turned-on. It held my dick firmly as she began to move up and down. Her tits were bouncing with each movement, and her eyes were closed in an expression of ecstacy. She used the side of the booth and the nearby table to push herself up, and then slammed down on my shaft, faster and faster and faster.

The sight of her bouncing and the feel of her tight pussy on me was unbearable. I wanted to hold out, but I just couldn't. "I'm coming," I said, and that put a smile on her face.

She looked down at me, and, still smiling, said, "Well come for me then. Come on. Come for Kelli. Come, baby!"

That was all I needed. With a groan that I was sure could be heard throughout the building, I felt the come rush through my dick and into her pussy. She must have felt it too, because she began to shake uncontrollably. Half a second later, I felt another surge, and then another, until I had flooded her with my come. As I looked up, she was moaning too, and the look on her face was unforgettable. When our orgasm had passed, she collapsed onto my chest, her breathing still heavy, but returning to normal.

When it had, she turned her face up to mine and kissed me deeply. She then sat up, lifted herself off of me, and walked over to her clothes. "That was nice," she said, getting dressed. "Now, if you wouldn't mind cleaning yourself off in the sink over there. I want you to be nice and clean for the girls." With a twinkle in her face, she added. "Right now, they're paying money to suck your dick."

I did as I was told, and washed my dick thoroughly. The cold water shrunk things up considerably, but I knew that was only temporary. Even with the workout that I had just received, I knew that I would be hard again, with the first tongue on me. I just hoped I would last long enough to give everybody a fair shot at the prize.

When I was done, Kelli was again dressed, her incredible body back in her short blouse and skirt. She again took my hand, and walked me back out on stage. I heard more cheering when we emerged, and felt a stirring in my cock as soon as I did. I was led over to a chair, this one a high bar stool with a leather back. Kelli picked up a mike and announced to the crowd.

"Are we ready?" More cheering erupted, more stirring in my groin.

"Renee, how many contestants do we have?"

Renee spoke up from the front of the room. "Five!"

"Five lucky ladies. Have they drawn to see what order they will go in?"

Renee answered again. "Yes, they have."

"Well then let's get started. You have one minute each, ladies. I will keep time. When you're minute is up, stick around." She looked over at me with an evil smile on her face. "If all five of you have gone, and he has still not finished, then we'll keep going, starting with the first girl. Any questions?"

Hearing none, Kelli responded, "Let the game begin!"

Instantly, the girls rushed the stage. One of them, a plump taller girl kneeled in front of me and began working on my dick. As expected, she got me hard again, but that was about it. Her technique was too repetitive, and it felt like I was getting sucked by a machine.

After a minute, Kelli yelled, "time," and the tall girl was replaced by a hot Asian girl. She was much better at giving head, and used her fingers to handle my balls while her mouth and tongue went to work on my cock. She swivelled her head back and forth while sucking, giving every part of my shaft an incredible sensation. At first I felt that I was going to come, but after awhile, I managed to concentrate on something else, and avoided coming until her time was up.

The third and fourth girls were good too, but not as good as the Asian girl. I was now in full holdout mode, concentrating on my day job and imagining myself back at the construction site. I was afraid even to look down at the girls who were vigorously sucking on my hard cock, nor at the others cheering them on. When the fourth girl had finished, I waited for the fifth to take her place, but no one was there. I came out of my trance and, along with everyone else, looked around to see whose turn it was. Nobody was coming forward.

Kelli spoke up. "Who is our final contestant? Who has not gone?" There was silence in the room as the girls turned to the right and left, wondering who it would be.

Then, from the back of the crowd, stepped Renee. She walked forward between two other girls, and approached me with a face full of wanton lust. Unlike the other girls, she didn't rush toward me, but slowly, seductively strolled to my bench. When she got there, she put her hands on her hips and asked in a confident voice, "Are you ready for me?"

I nodded my head and felt myself letting out a slight smile. My already-hard cock got just a little bit harder.

She smiled too, slowly shook her head from side to side and quietly said, "No, you're not." Then, she grabbed the bottom of her top and peeled it off over her head. She threw it aside and came toward me with the most beautiful breasts I had ever seen. In the back of my mind, I wanted to look away, but I couldn't. I was mesmerized by her audacity, and by her gorgeous globes.

When she reached my stool, she leaned forward and captured my helpless cock in between her breasts. Her soft skin was only lightly touching me on either side, but I desperately wanted more. She looked up at my face.

"Oooh. I can see that you are almost there. I would just love to let you fuck my tits. Would you like to fuck my tits with you big cock?"

I slowly nodded, transfixed at the sight of her breasts on my cock.

"Well, I don't think the other girls would think that's fair, so I will have to just suck your cock until you come in my mouth. Would you like to come in my mouth?

Another nod from me brought a smile to her face. Without looking away, she asked, "How much time do I have?"

"Thirty seconds," answered Kelli.

"That should be just enough," Renee said, and lowered her mouth to my cock.

Her mouth was hot, and I felt a small electric charge as soon as I felt her warmth on me. She started by slowly swirling around my head with her tongue, then taking me all the way into her mouth, until I could feel the tip hitting the back of her throat. She held me there for a second, and then slowly pulled back, lightly sucking all of the time, until I she had her lips around my head.

Then, she used her hand to stroke my shaft while sucking on just the head. Slowly at first, but after a few strokes, she began to increase the speed of the strokes and the intensity of the sucking. Faster and faster she jacked me off. Harder and harder she sucked, until I felt the come starting to build. I let out a groan, and she responded by jacking me off and sucking even harder.

Finally, I couldn't take it anymore, and groaned again as I felt the come rushing through my cock. Her mouth sudenly became full of come, and she moved her head away while still stroking me. Another spurt of come rushed forward and flew straight into the air, followed by another and another. The girls were cheering wildly now, and Renee was grinning from ear to ear with my come still on her lips. I was elated, relieved and exhausted, as she slowly stroked every drop of come from my cock. She then unclasped me from her hand, stood up, and walked into the ladies room. I never saw her again.

I did a few more parties, but never had anything like this happen again. When the construction work became steady, I stopped stripping altogether. I don't miss it much, and don't remember much about the parties, except of course the time with Kelli and Renee. I don't expect I'll ever forget that particular night.


See FREE CFNM Stripshow Blowjob Videos HERE!


Anonymous said...

Hey, very nice story. Just wanted to knowe if there are lots more male stripper recounts like this and if so, where to find them. Thanks again